In 2015, one of Minelec’s mining clients, PT Newmont Nusa Tengara, (PTNNT) requested we complete an Audit of Minelec’s Conveyor Control System. That system was installed at the PTNNT Batu Hijau project in the late 1990’s. Overall, the Audit revealed that no major system faults are present. With the exception of the PSA portion of the system, which has been somewhat bypassed by PTNNT, all Minelec equipment is fully operational. Minelec is proud to produce quality and reliable solutions and products which continue to function under tough conditions for decades.
The Minelec Conveyor Control System has been in essentially constant operation for almost 18 years. The Minelec Limited Conveyor Lockout System was supplied by Minelec Limited for the Batu Hijau project in 1998. At the time of original installation (by others), the system was designed to provide the multiple features to both sides of the Over Land Conveyor (OLC). Those features include a pre-start alarm, pull key lockout, and side travel lockout. Along with this, Minelec also provided audio communication.
The visit to the PTNNT site was both informative and highly enlightening from a number of standpoints. The Audit illustrated multiple issues that while serious in nature, should not be that difficult to remedy. Although the visit to site by Minelec was not intended to include fault investigation and repair, the audit did uncover many issues. As it turned out, most, if not all of the issues that were considered by PTNNT to be caused by faulty equipment in reality, turned out to be caused by incorrect fault diagnosis, and/or addition of non-compatible and non-recommended parts which caused additional issues and further complications that were not actual system faults. It is very important to note that the actual Minelec equipment was working almost perfectly. Most issues related to the lack of scheduled preventative maintenance, as well as detailed fault analysis and repair, rather than actual equipment failure. All functions (excluding PSA which has been modified by PTNNT) were tested and all systems returned normal readings with no faults present.
Minelec was able to offer recommendations to address the issues found on the Audit at PTNNT relating to mechanical, electrical, maintenance, communication, and resources to hopefully start resolving these concerns. Minelec also put forward numerous other actions that could be done to bring immediate improvement to the overall operation and maintenance of the OLC Control System. Overall, the main issues actually relate to a lack of relevant maintenance and communication, which could if acted upon bring immediate benefit in efficiency and financial savings.
Minelec is committed to safety and reliability. Designing specific systems for mining communication to fit the precise needs of any particular location is important. Minelec offers engineered solutions for the mining industry by manufacturing and distributing parts to create the best solution or structure. Through Minelec’s offered technical support and on-site product equipment audit, Minelec is satisfied to have found the causes of our client’s issue and offered recommendations based on the evidence collected.